Exhibitions & projects
Museum of Failure
Museum of Failure is a collection of over 150 failed products and services from around the world. The majority of all innovation projects fail and the museum showcases these failures to provide visitors a fascinating learning experience. Every item provides unique insight into the risky business of innovation. Innovation and progress require an acceptance of failure. The museum aims to stimulate productive discussion about failure and inspire us to take meaningful risks.
More info: museumofailure.com
As seen on:
PBS NewsHour
CBS Evening News
BBC Reel
New York Times
More info: museumofailure.com
As seen on:
PBS NewsHour
CBS Evening News
BBC Reel
New York Times
Disgusting Food Museum
Could changing our ideas of disgust help us embrace the environmentally sustainable foods of the future?

The evolutionary function of disgust is to help us avoid disease and unsafe food. Disgust is one of the six fundamental human emotions. While the emotion is universal, the foods that we find disgusting are not.
What is delicious to one person can be revolting to another. Disgusting Food Museum invites visitors to explore the world of food and challenge their notions of what is and what isn’t edible. Could changing our ideas of disgust help us embrace the environmentally sustainable foods of the future?
Permanent locations: Malmö, Sweden & Berlin, Germany.
The Economist: What a museum of disgusting food reveals about human nature
The New Yorker: The Gatekeepers Who Get To Decide What Is Disgusting
More info:
What is delicious to one person can be revolting to another. Disgusting Food Museum invites visitors to explore the world of food and challenge their notions of what is and what isn’t edible. Could changing our ideas of disgust help us embrace the environmentally sustainable foods of the future?
Permanent locations: Malmö, Sweden & Berlin, Germany.
The Economist: What a museum of disgusting food reveals about human nature
The New Yorker: The Gatekeepers Who Get To Decide What Is Disgusting
More info:
Rescued fruit
Over 30% of all fruit grown is thrown away. This is absolutely crazy. To do something about the problem I started a project called Helsingborg Jam Factory. The idea was to use the discarded fruit unsuitable for supermarket shelves but still perfectly edible, to make jam and marmalade.
The Swedish fruit importers were happy to donate their fruit as they also hate to throw it away. I had too much else going on at the time and handed over the project to younger entrepreneurs. Now ten years later this little initiative has grown into a thriving company. I’m very proud!
More info: rscued.
The Swedish fruit importers were happy to donate their fruit as they also hate to throw it away. I had too much else going on at the time and handed over the project to younger entrepreneurs. Now ten years later this little initiative has grown into a thriving company. I’m very proud!
More info: rscued.
Boring Experience
This interactive installation questions our addiction to entertainment and distractions.
Imagine that you are in a white empty room, sitting comfortably at an empty desk. You are asked to just do nothing and left alone with your own thoughts for 15 minutes. The only thing you can do is either do nothing or pressa button that gives you a painful electric shock.
Which is worse: being bored for 15 minutes or an electric shock?
Research has found that people would prefer to be shocked than be alone with their thoughts. And this is more true for men than women.
Reference: Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind. Science, 345(6192), 75-77.
Imagine that you are in a white empty room, sitting comfortably at an empty desk. You are asked to just do nothing and left alone with your own thoughts for 15 minutes. The only thing you can do is either do nothing or pressa button that gives you a painful electric shock.
Which is worse: being bored for 15 minutes or an electric shock?
Research has found that people would prefer to be shocked than be alone with their thoughts. And this is more true for men than women.
Reference: Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind. Science, 345(6192), 75-77.